Recurrent there hope?


I always said that my biggest goal in life was to start a family with the love of my life. I did everything “right.” I met my now husband when we were 14, we dated for 8 years. I went to college, got a degree. We got married and immediately began TTC. That was September of 2018. My husband worked out of town for 4 weeks away, 3 days home for the first year so it definitely made it more difficult. In March of 2019 we had our first positive test. I was over the moon. I couldn’t stop thinking of the life our child would lead. Two weeks after I tested positive, I began to miscarry. I read all the information I could find. I wish I could say it made me feel better to read that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriages. Ever since I read that, I’ve watched couple after couple get pregnant, have gender reveals, decorate nurseries. All I can think about is that I had to be their “1 in 4.” My husbands job was able to relocate him to be home full time in September of 2019. I thought this would be the big change in our luck. We kept trying and I tested positive on December 18th but fear kept me from telling a soul. On Christmas I started to feel strange and I decided to retest. I tested negative and began bleeding on the 26th. I’m relatively new to this and I’m going to be making an appointment. I just wondered if some of you ladies could tell me some of the reasons you’ve been told could have caused your miscarriages. Maybe you could tell me what changed and gave you a success story. I would love to hear something hopeful heading into 2020. I just have to reach out to people who understand. I’ve never been surrounded by so much love and felt so alone.