Boyfriend with girl friends

My boyfriend gets close with many girls despite my open uncomfortable-ness with it. He also has close girl friends since before our relationship. Is it okay for me to feel this way or am I being unreasonable? I trust him (he’s not going to cheat), though I am uncomfortable as he doesn’t go out with his guy friends and nor do his guy friends have as many girl friends as he does - I’m just weirded out. Sometimes it gets to the point where our time together is interrupted by their calls and he leaves to talk to them (doesn’t want me to hear the convo) or he hangs up on me to pick up another girl’s call in the AM. Lowkey makes me feel replaced but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know he’s not doing anything sketchy - sometimes it just feels like he’s being insensitive as he would hate it if I did it to him.

Opinions? Is it disrespectful? Should it be normalised?

Thanks :))