Anyone else having this problem

Nothing pisses me off more than unwanted opinions regarding my pregnancy. I don’t care what names you like. I don’t care how many kids you have had nor raised. If I wanted your opinion I’d ask. This may be my first kid but that doesn’t mean I want you to tell me what you think I should and shouldn’t do. It’s so irritating.

I’m having family tell me what names they think I should name my daughter and when I tell them I don’t Like the name because someone in the family used it already or named their pet that name they say it doesn’t matter? Um pretty sure the kid is coming out of me not you. Telling me I need to not eat this and eat that because some foods will only make me fat and not the baby and if the baby is born too small she won’t survive outside the womb. I need to sit up straight so my back doesn’t hurt. News flash I’m five months pregnant my back already hurts I’m use to carrying around 90 pounds. Not 120. So I’m gonna sir how I want to. Eat whatever I want to.

How can you say anything to anyone without hurting their feelings?

Anyone else having these issues. They might not seem like a big deal but I feel like whatever name we give our daughter should be mine and my boyfriends decision. My doctors is aware of what I eat and she is totally okay with it. I don’t eat completely unhealthy. But if I even remotely have a damn potato chip I’m a horrible person because they will only make me fat and not the baby. I’m sure they mean well and they are just trying to help but I didn’t ask for opinions on what they think is best.