Taking care of me..

Megan • Crohn’s Fighter🥊MC Angel Baby #1: 4/15/19😇Fur mama🐶🐶Girl Mama of 1🎀

It’s been 1 year of ttc with 1 miscarriage after falling pregnant the 2nd month we tried. I’m extremely impatient to get pregnant and become a parent, as is my husband,.. but my cycles and ovulation have not been as regular as they used to be prior to the miscarriage. My autoimmune disease (Crohn’s) has been giving me problems for a few months now as well and at 5’2”, I’m weighing the most I ever have (170 lbs).

I’m frustrated, I’m bummed, and I’m impatient. And as much as I don’t want to delay the process of getting that BFP with our🌈 👶🏽, I think I’ve decided to take a (very short) timeout. I messaged my Crohn’s dr today and am awaiting a response but it’s time to get my disease back in check and shed some pounds while I wait! Fingers crossed that this timeout only helps the likelihood of us getting pregnant again soon!