After ivf egg retrieval


Worst pain of my life on 4th day after egg retrieval lasted for 24 hours. could not stand up or walk sharp stabbing pains in lower abdomen (by ovaries I'm guessing) as soon as I tried to stand. it was debilitating started sweating cuz so much pain could not stop crying no position was comfortable shooting pains going up lower back as well. used heating pads all day and took ibuprofen. nothing helped. stomach was so swollen hard and tender to touch. frequently urinated but was painful when emptying bladder. laid on bed majority of day trying not to move put pillows under to try to elevate lower body but didnt fo much. barely skept through noght by the next day swelling went down a little but still pain just on left side same sharp pain moved slow but was able to stand up and wall by next day. believe it was OHSS but not sure because was not nauseous and no bleeding. I have pcos so could of been minor ohss but better after one day so didnt alert my doctor cuz didnt want my transfer being moved back. would of went to er if had persisted for another day. pain was on a Wednesday. on friday did fresh transfer did acupuncture before and after to help with blood flow. relieved a little bit of the pain. 🤞 for embryo to stick . this is my second <a href="">ivf</a> cycle. first one miscarried at 5 weeks.