Anyone else’s LO scream bloody murder when you try to put them down for a nap?


We’ve just stopped feeding to sleep for naps and oh my goodness. I now remember why I went back to feeding to sleep last time I tried this 😂 the first two naps aren’t bad. He’ll scream for maybe 5 mins and then put himself to sleep. But if he needs a 3rd nap (like today) he screams on and off for like 40 mins until he finally gives in 😳 I go in and help him settle every 5-10 mins and I could swear he’s asleep but then I step out of the room and he screams like he’s being tortured. I try not to force naps if he’s not tired but he was he was giving me allllll the sleepy cues and it had been about 3 hrs since his last nap. I know he’s tired but he fights it SO hard and if I let him stay awake he’s a total grump for the rest of the evening and over tired for bedtime. I finally got him to sleep today after 30-40 mins of him fighting it... but sometimes I don’t know how long I should keep trying when he’s screaming SOOOO loud. I’m pretty sure my upstairs neighbors think we’re terrible parents lol