Is it possible to ovulate a week after your period?

My AF started Friday December 27 and was a few days early I wasn’t supposed to start till Monday December 30th but I started Friday December 27 and it lasted till Monday the 30th it was shorter then usual too. Which is weird for me usually my cycles are extremely on time and last at least 5 to 7 days. Anyways I’m having ovulation symptoms and had what I think is ovulation pain that I usually get during ovulation today also my temp rised today. My fertile period Should start on January 6th and my ovulation day according to glow which is usually pretty accurate when I’ve tested with opk they match up with in a day or so of what glow says. But anyways ovulation day says January 11th I haven’t taken a opk because I usually don’t start testing with opks until the day my fertile week starts. Idk though it really feels like I’m ovulating me and hubby have BD twice this week anyway just for fun lol so if I did ovulate early at least I’m covered lol. But I just didn’t think it be possible to ovulate that early. Has anyone else ovulate that early? I’m going tomorrow to buy opks and test but still idk I’m just confused by my short early period and my symptoms now. Thanks for any advice and help. 😊