I love someonelse

I’ve been talking to another man a little over a year. Yes, I know it’s wrong. I know that since I am not happy in my marriage I should have left a long time ago. But we have two children. My husband doesn’t let me drive I don’t live by family. I’m not aloud to do anything which is why I started talking to this other man in the first place. I am so lonely at home. My husband recently found out. He got a detailed phone phonebill. We started going to marriage counseling. But all I can think about is (let’s call him Zane). My husband went as far as changing my number. It’s been days I haven’t spoken to Zane. I miss him so freaking much it’s killing me. I feel sick to my stomach. I’ve be nothing my nauseous and my heart has been pounding.All I want to do it get in contact with him

so bad. I have no idea what to do at this point. I’m stuck I’ve always been stuck in this relationship. And now I’m depressed again. I don’t know how to keep trying to make something work when I know it isn’t ever going to. Zane

Was everything and now I’ve just disappeared on him. What can I do to fix this. To get out. Even if I can’t be with Zane when I do leave with my husband. Because I know he won’t forgive me for just disappearing with out a word. And to top it off I’m terrified I have no idea how Zane is and where he is. With him being in the army and everything that is going on.