How do I bring it back up?

A couple of months ago, my boyfriend, offered to help me pay rent if I move out of my moms house. I have 2 kids and he has one who lives out of state. He lives with his parents at the time and I live with mine with my 2 kids. We usually get a hotel room once every week or every other week and he pays for it every time. He offered to pay whatever he pays in hotel fees now, towards my rent so that we have somewhere to be together without time restraints. We do plan to eventually move in together. I rejected his offer because we werent as consistent back then but now that it’s been like 7 months or so, we are closer now than before, I thought that maybe we should do that. He pays like 300-400 a month on hotel rooms and Uber’s to get home and all. My question is.. should I maybe bring it back up, or just let it go? Maybe he thinks that I wasn’t interested and is afraid to re mention it. What do you ladies think? I don’t want him to feel used but I think we are close enough. He always says he wants to take care of me and be there for me and always reminds me how much he loves me. What would u do?