Pregnancy tips

So my boyfriend and I have decided to try to start having a baby. I’m super excited about this but I know that when I take a test I’m gonna be so bummed out if it comes out negative. I know there’s a small chance to none on getting pregnant when you’re not ovulating, but this post is mainly asking for any tips anyone has on how it made it easier for them to get pregnant and also how to tell implementation bleeding from a period because about a week- two weeks ago I had some bleeding but it was only one heavy dose for one day. It hasn’t been a full month since insemination but when’s the earlist you could possibly find out. Need advice and tips ladies, everything will help because I wanna get this right and this man is so excited to be a father. Help a girl out 🙏🏼 (if it isn’t obvious enough this will also be our first baby 😇)