I need a hug 😔


So basically i started talking to this guy yesterday. And usually I can tell right away if a guy wants sex or an actual relationship. With this guy I can’t tell. We are both virgins so it confuses me when I think he just wants sex (I’m hoping he wasn’t lying about being a virgin). We FaceTimed last night and he didn’t talk to me about any sex stuff. But the first day we were talking, we discussed our previous relationship experiences. He wants to meet up and just hang out without anything happening. He’s very good looking but I don’t want his looks to shield his personality from me.

I also have another problem with this guy. When we text, he gives really dry responses. It bums me out that he can’t hold a conversation with me. I feel like I’m dragging him on to keep a conversation but I don’t know if he’s nervous or what. I don’t want him to feel like im clingy for trying to talk to him. He’s just getting boring to talk to. If I can I would like to keep what we have alive. I feel like this guy is everywhere 😕 I need help :(