I am convinced FRER give false positives!!! 😡😡😡


I took this test last night

The line showed up almost immediately. 2 hours later I took another one. I am still early 9-10dpo yesterday.. second test comes back completely negative! So I figured okay I didn’t hold my urine long enough.

This morning I test again with fmu and another negative! Now I know all about chemicals but NO WAY I could go from a line that solid to nada that quick even if it were a chemical!

I tested one last time tonight after a 4 hour hold and yet negative again.

Anyone else ever experience anything like this??

So 1 positive, 3 negatives.. What gives?!! I was going to wait until Tom to give time for hcg but I am human and after a pretty strong + especially for 9-10 dpo, it’s been driving me crazy to see the negatives so quickly after!