Weight loss


So I’m 18 weeks now and I had pretty rough morning sickness until about 14 weeks and I lost 7 pounds. Then I got a horrible cold the last couple weeks and have been so sick I still haven’t been eating well. Now at 18 weeks I haven’t gained any of the lost weight back and have stayed right where I was. I’m a little concerned because my bump is definitely growing slightly but I’m not gaining weight. I just worry that I’m not taking good care of my baby and my body but being sick makes it so hard to be healthy😩 I’ve been taking my prenatals at least. I’m just so worried about my 20 week ultrasound and afraid my baby isn’t going to be ok 😭 how can I start healthily gaining weight and get my diet back on track? I know a lot of my fears are just normal mama worries but any advice is appreciated 💕