Unsupported ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

So Iโ€™m 6.5 months pregnant and my husband has not picked up a book, came to an OB appointment, and most importantly hasnโ€™t spent money on anything baby related. He says of course we will split costs (we keep our money separate because he co-owns a property with someone else prior to our relationship.) I purchased all the clothes, travel system, crib, changing table, etc.. he keeps saying that next payday we will square up. But after three months of excuses I doubt itโ€™s going to happen anytime soon. He spends a lot of his disposable income on weed and alcohol. He keeps saying that he is excited for this baby. He has been pretty attentive to my daily needs (grabbing stuff for me so I donโ€™t have to get up, rubbing my back, etc..) but I feel unsupported when considering everything else. He prioritizes his selfish habits over me and our child. Pretty soon Iโ€™ll be on maternity leave and depending on him to be the breadwinner. Anyone have advice for me??? Iโ€™m at a loss here.

Update: we tried for a baby for 19 months eventually resorting to intense fertility testing and treatment. This is something we both talked about extensively and wanted.