HELP! Daycare is killing me


How many hours is LO going to daycare? My son goes to a daycare that it’s free, it’s like a Headstart and I love the early stimulation, the games they play and that even I get to do some homework with him. The only problem is that is really far and a bus picks him up and drops him off. He leaves at 6:40 am and comes back at 4:10 pm and it’s killing me, I work part time less than 18 hours but I go to college from 7:00 am to 10:30 am and I want to spend more time woth him but that daycare requires him to be there the whole day. He is been there only 2 weeks and already catch a cold then he has 2 weeks off for the holidays and he got more smiley more attached to me and I don’t want him to go back to daycare no more. Also they offer free formula and free diapers while he is there even they send him Christmas presents. I like everything it’s just that he is almost 10 hours there and I only go to school 3 hours a day everyday. Should I get someone to watch my baby instead for those 3 hours ? Do you guys think 10 hours is too much or should I suck it up? I’m just going to be really sad to see my baby go again to daycare. I wish they had less hours.