Waiting on AF like... ⏰⏱ Nor your “Typical” TTC saying 🤨

✨Alexa✨ • Stuber Est. 2020 💍

Not your typical TTC post... 😂

~Back story, Femara mentioned, skip ahead if you want lol~

*We’ve been TTC for 16 months!! My cycles are terrible, about 40 days long. We decided we were going to start Femara💊 (Letrozole; like Clomid) & the Trigger shot 💉on my Dec 5th 2019 appointment! (CD21)!

We start the 1st of 3 rounds NEXT CYCLE!! CD 3*

I decided since we were going to have to have times intercourse for sure next cycle, I’d skip buying this months OPKs (Ovulation prediction kits) and JUST HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT 😝😍😍 So that’s what we’ve been doing lol. But weeks went by 😟🙁 and I started to worry 😞

“When was I going to ovulate??”

BUT I STUCK THROUGH. I didn’t buy tests!!!

And yesterday (CD49) I began to finally feel my typical AF symptoms!!! 😬😬😬😬😬

According to 16 months of logging I begin to feel AF symptoms 3dpo. So I put myself about 3/4 dpo ish.

I’M READY FOR AF!!! 😩🤣🤣🤣🤣