Need help with my son's bedtime routine


My son is 18 months old - the past two weeks have been so tiring when it comes to his bed time... He used to be great and would sleep all through the night from like 8pm -8am

He is still breastfeeding but I'm planning weaning him off breast feeding soon - when he is going to bed he initially falls asleep from breastfeeding in my bed then I'll carry him through to his cot, this never used to be an issue... Now as soon as I go to out him to his own bed he instantly wakes and cries to get out of his cot! I then have to get into his cot with him and fees him to sleep... Then sneak out -

Then about two hours later he wakes up... And by this point I'm so tired and knowing I have work in the morning Its a thought having to stay up even longer to get him back to sleep when I could just take him to my bed and he will sleep instantly .....

Please may advice would be greatly appreciated! I'm getting really tired with it all and am worried I'm doing something wrong, maybe he is scared of waking up in darkness? Or maybe he should be falling asleep in his own room instead of mine ?

Thank you - please no nasty comments - just a mommy looking for some advice x