
So I’ve been on birth control for 3 years and In the beginning I would get my period normally when it was supposed to come. Then a year into it my period started being funky and skipping but then I’d get it for two weeks but I would still bleed like a normal period. Now I’m in a new pill but it’s my 4th month on it. The first month I had a real period on the days I was supposed to have it and same with the second month. On the third month I missed my period ( not pregnant) and now this month I didn’t get it the day it should have started which would have been yesterday. NOW this morning I go to the bathroom and after I wipe I see the tiniest splash of pale pale pink on the toilet paper BUT that’s it. Nothing else, I don’t even need to wear anything. Even if I wear a liner it doesn’t even come out it’s so little it only sometimes shows up when I wipe. I don’t understand why my period is not come like a normal one. The past two weeks I was so bloated and hormonal and my boobs were the size of melons and so tender they hurt so I was expecting an actual period. Wth