Spotting - Am I Pregnant?

Alright, I’m 23 years old and have never had sex. My boyfriend and I have messed around a little (handjobs and fingering) but that’s the extent of it. I thought I had started my period around 12/30/19 and my cycle is between 24-31 days (last period started 11/28/19) but instead of bleeding normally I had some brownish blood when I wiped and that was all! The closest I have come in contact with semen is getting it on my hand and I normally dry it off soon after. To the best of my memory, my boyfriend never fingered me with semen on his hands or anything like that. HOWEVER I am still scared to DEATH that I am pregnant because of my last period experience.

If anyone could offer advice or has had a similar experience, let me know if this is normal or not.