If I don’t get signs by 10dpo can I still be pregnant?

I see all these women testing so early and talking about all the symptoms they have. And this month I’ve backed off a lot with stressing about being pregnant while TTC because I feel when I over analyze every possible symptom from the time I ovulate til the time AF is due it completely consumes my thoughts and my world.

So while taking a step back and not obsessing during this two week wait I’m kind of getting worried that I havnt noticed really any symptoms. And normally when I did it was obviously just AF coming bc I’m trying for my first baby. I was gonna test tomorrow when I am 10dpo but changed my mind because I don’t wanna get my hopes down and keep obsessively testing for the next 5 days.

I guess my question is, is it still possible for me to be pregnant even though I havnt really had symptoms yet? Do I still have a reason to be hopeful this cycle? I would love it if you lovely ladies would share your first symptoms and when you felt them, maybe it will put my mind or some else’s mind at ease. Thank you in advance!

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