Sister help


Hi ladies I need help, so my sister I truly think hates me and does whatever she can to exclude me or throw me under the bus.

For a little back story my sister has always been jealous for my dads attention and has felt my dad gives me more attention than her. Anyways I moved really far away about 5 years ago and just recently moved back. My family is happy and excited to be around me again and this has my sister very jealous. I do not care to get a lot of attention at all I am the type that usually likes being alone. We are both Adults, she is 22 I am 27.

My dad usually likes doing things on weekends and he texted me asking me what I was doing. I knew he wanted to hangout but I never replied because I knew my sister would be jealous if I saw him. So he and my sister hung out instead which is fine with me. However my grandma told me that she was telling my dad that my husband and I smoke pot (we are both in our late 20’s and I live in a legal state) my sister knows that my dad is against this. We also smoke pot very rarely and do not have any children. I feel my sister was saying this so my dad would be “mad” at us and not want to see us anymore. Its not a secret that we smoke pot but I know she said it just to make us look bad.

I honestly avoid spending any time with my dad because she is always very jealous and it isn’t a competition to me the way it is to her. I know it makes my dad feel bad because he wants to spend time with me and I hardly do.

She uses my dad ALOT and makes him feel bad about her situations. He’s done a lot for her like helping her buy a brand new car, consign on a nice place for her to live and gives her money whenever she asks. She’s spoiled and she always has been.

I never ask him for anything yet she still hates me and somehow feels like I’m getting more (attention/money etc.) I don’t understand what she wants from me, sometimes I wonder why I even moved back because it’s all drama that I don’t want to be a part of.

I’m very supportive of my sister and have been there for her through a lot. She comes over and we hangout weekly. I do things for her and give her advice a lot. Yet she still is saying things about me and my husband.

Should I cut her out of my life? I’m the type of person that forgives easily and usually lets things slide but I’m sick of putting up with her behavior. I really don’t know what to do at this point.

If your wondering about my mom, my sister and I both have a good relationship with her.