Am I ovulating?


So confused

. My wife and I have been trying to conceive with a known donor. My cycles are normally pretty regular. My last regular cycle was a few months ago. I got AF 10/8 and it ended on 10/11. We inseminated on ovulation day that month which was 10/30 . Af was due on 11/6 but I never got it. (Not sure why I ovulated so close to the end of my cycle) I ended up being 45 days late. All pregnancy tests were negative. They were confirmed negative with blood work. Even though I never got AF I still got a positive OPK on 12/2 we didn’t inseminate that month due to my weird cycle. My dr did an ultrasound on 12/6 and saw a small ovarian cyst. She prescribed me provera to induce AF which finally came on 12/21 and ended 12/28. It was a much longer cycle than normal. I’m supposed to ovulate on 1/7 and have plans to meet with our donor but I started spotting on 1/2 and got AF again yesterday 1/3. Just because I was curiois I took more LH tests and they are so close to positive. Not sure if I’m still ovulating since I was supposed to in 3 days, or if it’s just a surge from getting AF again. Not sure if we should still meet our donor or not.