Please help. I don’t know where else to go.

Hi, I wasn’t sure if I should post this in this group but I feel like this is one of the only places I can get answers. My younger brother is extremely abusive, I’ve got the scars, bruises, & pain that come with it. My right arm hurts as I type this. Additionally, he kicked me in the vagina, above the vagina. I believe it’s where the uterus is. It’s right below my lower abdomen & right above the vagina to give a better description. It hurts extremely, it hurt so much the first time I screamed & it scared our new puppy & I’ve been even more devastated ever since. It hurts to wipe down there, it hurts to sit, even when my puppy was in my lap/climbing across or around my lap, it hurt when he put his tiny paw there & it just makes me want to cry even more thinking about it. I don’t know what to do, it hurts really bad. It’s 4 am & I woke up my puppy so he can sleep next to me on the couch (my brother & I share a room, I’m on the top bunk but I’m on the couch watching over our ((my)) new puppy.) I still feel a dull pain when I’m laying down. What happened? Has anyone else been through this type of abuse? Can anyone give me medical advice even if it’s not professional, I just want any help because my mom will always side with him & his abusiveness. Any help/response is appreciated. I feel very alone & extremely depressed & my puppy is the only thing I have right now. Sorry this is long.