Nearing the end of my rope..


3y5mo daughter. She has been a terror. Not so much bad behavior, just the freaking TUDE. She wakes up basically whining. All morning she will whine. She tells family and even daddy to not look at her or talk to her. She will throw a fit sometimes when asked about what she wants to eat saying "I dont want nothing!".

I can get over the stealing sisters toys, buy this fucking attitude my god. She is wearing me down!!

I know shes 3. She was a late talker, was a saint at 2yo and didnt have terrible twos. In May we moved from TX to MN and had our second daughter in june. We are currently living at my in laws until we buy a house. So it's not the best living situation. She shares a room with her 6mo sister.

I need suggestions. I ask her calmly to tell me why she is crying. If she says no then I'll say in a fun way you cant cry if you have no reason. I constantly hug her and tell her I love her, involve her in helping with baby.

This is a bit all over the place but thatshow my brain feels.

If she falls asleep in the car, too, lord help us.

She sleeps 730ish to 630ish and no naps.