Any advice or help is greatly appreciated


Alright, so for a little while my period my 4 days late and on the 5th day I was spotting, by day 6 it seemed like a full blown period. Now, its day 6 of the actual period, it's not showing signs of letting up by tomorrow. Which is fine I guess. BUT during the time my period was MIA i had symptoms that would be seen for pregnancy. Well I obviously am not pregnant. Also, I'm sure I'm rambling just to try and eliminate options. Anyway, I have been feeling....a pressure?....on my bladder or something so I constantly feel like I need to pee, so when I go, it's fine, but then at the end of going, my body starts wanting to make the pushing feeling. And I can't stop it. It makes me tear up and then it kinda hurts. Not sure what is going on with me as this has never happened before. Sorry if all of this sounds dumb, but I really am concerned and I can't afford a doctor right now. Thank you so much