I ruined my own relationship

I think I ruined my amazing relationship. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 7 months now and everything has been great but now my boyfriend is saying sometimes he feels like I suffocate him and he doesn’t want the relationship to feel like work but if things don’t change then it might begin to feel like work. He says I need to chill and let things work out naturally instead of trying to force things. I have abandonment issues and come from abusive relationships I think my insecurities have scared him away. I was so happy and now I think I lost him. Ive been crying all night and all morning because I think i pushed him too far. I keep asking myself what’s wrong with me. Why can’t I chill out and let things be. I feel like a failure. Maybe I’m not destined to be happy. 😭😭💔

Update: Thank you everyone for your comments. I’m feeling a lot better now that I have calmed down. When I made this post I was very emotional. But my boyfriend is coming over so we can talk about it and move past it. I know I shouldn’t put my insecurities on him and I know that I need to work on myself. Thank you to the ones who understood where I was coming from but for the ones who were mean and were saying that I was acting irrational clearly you’ve never been in an abusive relationship and from a broken home. So please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing kind to say.

Update #2: my boyfriend came over and on the drive to dinner we had a great conversation. He showed me that he really understood where I was coming from and I apologized for how I acted. He explained that since he is an only child he’s used to being alone but is learning. He just made me love him so much more. I love our communication and I love how he learns to understand me even if he doesn’t at first. Also another update after talking to my doctor I realized that my birth control was making my hormones out of wack these past two weeks from being on antibiotics that counteracted with my birth control. So now that I’m not taking the antibiotics and I’m back on my full dose of birth control which made my hormones off balance. But I still am working on myself and learning to heal from my past trauma. Much love xoxo