Started breastfeeding again !!!

So I had the plan to breastfeed my baby for 2 years .. but when his first pair of teeth came around 9th month he bit me soooooo hard I was not at all prepared for this .. then I put him to other side and he bit even harder.. I was tired already I gently removed him from breast but I could not help and cried .. really good cry for like 5 minutes and it was a mistake because I scared him.. he stopped taking my breast at all after that day .. I tried all day everyday for so many days I thought of many reasons why he might be not feeding .. after initial few days my supply started going down .. pumping was not helping .. so I tried feeding him while he was asleep and he took the breast readily everytime he was napping but not at all while awake .. which made it confirmed that he was just scared ..I kept feeding him one time during the night to keep the supply going ..after trying almost everything for 2months i made up my mind that on his first birthday I am gonna stop ... and during his birthday party when lunch was going to be served he started rubbing his nose with my shoulder and breast I thought .. wait.. nooo.. do you even know now how to breastfeed it’s been almost 3 months .. yet I took him to a quiet room and tried .. he took the breast readily .. and fed 3 times during the party 😂😂.. now he is almost 13 months .. happily breastfeeding and my supply is up again ✌🏼.. did anything like this happen to anybody else ??? Just wanted to share this story with mamas 🙂