Just really needed to rant

I really need to just let something out and I figured this was the place to do it.

So for the past two weeks I’ve been having issues with my boyfriend. Just little shit here and there.

And this one night we were getting intimate, and I had been spotting that day so I informed him of that and he said no biggie, he’s not “scared of blood” as we’ve had period sex before and started using his hands down there.

I very obviously liked it but wanted a little more so I gently pushed his hands towards like my “opening” and he pulled away very very sharp. I asked what was wrong and he goes ( in a very rude voice) “I don’t want to get blood on my hands. My hands touch my face. That’s disgusting” and I just stopped and looked at him and got a little upset, he kept going saying he was trying to psych himself up to touch me even though he didn’t really want too because it was gross and I immediately put my clothes on and stopped the sex. He got upset because he “killed the moon” not because of what he said to me, he thought I was upset because I wasn’t horny anymore.

And while I do love him, he does this thing where whenever we get into a small fight he’ll get so violently upset that I have to stop being upset to care for him- and he tried to do that this time but I straight up told him to stop it and that it wasn’t about him for once.

Flash forward three days and we had been talking about spending NYE together since the summertime because I wanted to avoid last years spat where he wanted to either ditch me to get drunk at a party or force me to go to “be a good boyfriend and help me get over my anxiety”. Lol. So I asked him in the summer if he could just be with me and avoid the argument. He agreed. That didn’t follow through. Three days before New Years and he’s all upset because he wanted to go to a party and when I bring it up that I was upset because he wanted to ditch me for the SECOND YEAR in a row, he goes on about how I “always do this when he wants to hang with his friends”. So I stopped talking to him for a good 24 hours. I was so upset. And I’m still so upset with him- I ended up letting him come over on NYE because I felt bad and he spent the entire time in bed on his phone so I ended up pretending to fall asleep before 12 so I could avoid him trying to be cute with me at midnight.

I don’t know if I want advice as much as I just wanted to let that all out.

He’s not a bad boyfriend he just does the most rude things and he doesn’t think about how they’ll upset me when he does them and I just don’t know what to do anymore.