Step mother using my father

My step mother is crazy controlling, and I know she doesn't love my father. - he's had a grand Mal seizure and has to go to the emergency room a couple times a year. But she leaves to visit her family in Mexico for long periods of time and she leaves him every Christmas. My husband and I are very good people and lived in my dad's basement apartment for a year and a half, we were always great tenants. She recently accused me of stealing her vaporub(not the tv or any money lol just the vaporub she's crazy) btw I don't even have a car during the day, and said she needed the house keys back because she wants to know where her stuff is. Anyways after living there and seeing how poor my father's health is and watching him almost die, I want keys to the house for obvious reasons. She said she would just change the locks because my dad doesn't need a babysitter. My dad told me to just make copies of the house keys when she wasn't around and I think he is scared of her. He sent my mom an email that she was digging in her claws and she was going to take everything. I don't know what her plans are. She's left him for over 7 months threatening divorce. I am worried about my father, I love him and I wish I could help, any advice would be appreciated.

She did get her citizenship through being married to my dad and I think they've been married almost ten years. She knows all his passwords to everything.

To Jasmine: I watched my father almost die the day he had a seizure, I have PTSD from that day. I cannot stand by while she abandons him and uses him. I honestly don't feel like he even has ten years left. I knew there'd be someone like you in the comments, but trust me if it was your father, you'd be worried too.