Could this be a sign of preeclampsia ??


My last appointment was three weeks ago on 18th of December . I would’ve had one last week but they were book so I had to reschedule for the 7th, at that appointment everything looked good blood pressure was good but through that weekend I started to get headache off and on, so I thought it could be that need caffeine but that wasn’t the problem (NEVER check my blood pressure those weeks) so through the whole two weeks I been having on and off headache no swelling feet,hands or ankles .Keep in mine my last pregnancy that was three years ago I had preeclampsia were my doctor Caught it at 39weeks I was 19yr old at the time I don’t remember the symptoms just only having high blood pressure. But now with my second pregnancy my blood pressure been good it’s just the headache that happened at 30weeks I’ll be 33weeks on the 7th I tried everything today for it to go away (headache) but nothing seems not to work I don’t have blood pressure cuff to check, wanna go to the ER but I feel that would be a waste of time. First thing tomorrow I’m call my doctor but what do you lady’s think ?