Exclusively pumping but in constant pain 😭


Can anyone offer me some tips please? 😫

I really wanted to breastfeed my little girl but she was born with a tongue tie and struggles to latch; I also wasn’t producing any colostrum or anything straight away after she was born so she wasn’t getting anything from me for her first feed, so we had to resort to formula feeding.

When I got home I started expressing and that seemed to pull my milk through fine, however little lady still wouldn’t latch, even after trying to draw out my nipples with the breast pump so they were fuller, she wouldn’t latch.

I still keep trying her but now I exclusively pump so she can feed from a bottle, however my boobs are in SOOOO much pain it makes me cry 😩 (sounds dramatic I know but it’s such an uncomfortable pain)

It’s only usually one boob at a time, but they seem to switch over so I am constantly in pain with one of them. I’ve tried expressing for longer, expressing for shorter periods, massaging the area, using a hot cloth to soothe the area before pumping & NOTHING works! Surely it isn’t going to stay this painful the whole time I express is it?

If anyone can share their experiences or if they know of anyone else’s experience with this issue then pleaseeee let me know! It’s uncomfortable to even just sit still 😳