Just Need someone to listen 😥 (long story)


So, My ex and I broke up awhile ago due to us just not getting along and we needed to work on ourselves. During our time apart I talked to one of my best friends friends and we started to hang out but I told that guy I couldn't talk to him anymore because I wanted to work on things with my ex. So, since my ex and I decided to work things out we wanted to to so something for New Years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> so went out and got a drink at any restaurant that was open. After, we went back to his place and took a few shots and I guess I had too many and now I hardly remember anything from that night. What I do remember is passing out a few times and during one of those times I woke up to him fingering me. I dont remember if i asked for it or what was happening before it but I remember him to stop because I wasnt feeling good and he stopped and tried helping me feel better. I fell asleep and during the time I was asleep he went through my phone and went through my messages and the messages I had between the guy I was talking to.

I'm not sure what to feel or what to say to him. I apologized my ass off about the other guy and he forgave me but I'm not sure what else happened when I kept passing out 😤 I'm mad I let myself get that drunk.