Any tips or ideas?

Delaney • Mom of a sweet little boy 👶🏼 baby #2 on the way 💙👨‍👩‍👦 🤰🏼

So my son hasn’t slept well the last 2 nights. He is becoming very squirmy in his crib. He can’t roll over on either side yet and isn’t a huge fan of tummy time. He keeps trying to roll into his tummy and is very close to but since he can’t roll tummy to back either I don’t want him on his tummy. It’s like he is uncomfortable on his back. I tried putting him on his side than he just rolls to his tummy and becomes wide awake and lifts his head up for 5 mins than cries and gets tired of it. So I roll him back into his back and he gets all squirmy again and try’s rolling over. This goes on like all night and he just keeps fussing. I need help lol. Any tips on what I should do?