How is everyone sleeping?


Just curious how you all are doing with sleep!

LO is 11 days old and we found out will only sleep in a bassinet if we do not swaddle her arms. If she is fully swaddled she will wake up within 5 minutes of being put down. So weird! We may try an arms up swaddle but I'm worried it won't be warm enough, we are currently using a fleece Halo sleep sack and our room gets cold with the door closed. Right now we are struggling with her day and night confusion as she has two very wakeful periods in the middle of the night. Wouldn't be the end of the world except that we have a toddler whose sleep is suffering as well, and we can't always make up sleep during the day if she's home (weekends are rough). We have three sound machines going all night and are just doing our best.

How about your babies?