Earlier bedtimes

My son is 8 weeks and doesn’t fall sleep for the night until past midnight... he sleeps from about midnight to 5am, nurses for 30min, and sleeps again until 9:30 or 10am. Sometimes if he’s tired he’ll sleep from midnight until past 6 in one stretch. He also naps on and off throughout the day.

I’m totally happy with the amount of sleep he’s (and I am) getting, but I’d like to make his bedtime earlier. I’ve been trying to shift his bedtime an hour earlier at a time, but he just ends up wide awake for that hour, and cries every time I put him down. Once it’s past midnight he finally falls asleep when I put him in his crib.

Is there anything I can do to get him to bed earlier? He’s already pretty active during the day.. should I wake him from his naps so he’s tired earlier?I keep reading posts about babies bedtimes being 7 or 8pm. how do you do it?!