103.5 fever in 3 year old since Saturday night .

I took her to the doc Sunday morning and the doc couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Her throat was fine. No ear infection. No chest congestion. No coughing or sneezing, tests for everything came negative (like strep and flu, etc)

She just had a fever of 103.5 and she’s not eating well because her “teeth” hurt by teeth I’m assuming her gums on her top because they do look swollen. She isn’t teething she has all her teeth.

Should I take her to the dentist? Is there such thing as a gum or mouth problem that is causing her to have high fever ? It’s The 3rd nights and again she’s burning up.

Doc said to just give her Motrin or any other pain relief med, which I have been doing every 4 hours . She gets fine when the meds kick in but after 2 hours into the meds she’s back to crying and looking drowsy and saying her teeth hurts . I’m so confused .