i just need your input please.

me and this boy, were best friends a couple years ago and we kind of just drifted for a while and a lot happened in our separate lives in the time we weren't friends. a year ago we started talking again, then everyday. i had to help him through a horrid breakup with a girl (my ex best friend) who would end the relationship, find a new boy, end that relationship and go straight back to him. it was difficult, he opened up to me and we eventually gained eachothers trust again. i'm not quite sure if he's over the girl yet, although she's been in a relationship with another boy for 9 months i believe. also a boy she left him for. we talk to eachother about everything that goes on in our lives. a lot has happened with me, my parents have split, i don't talk to my father, my brothers don't talk to me anymore, i'm with mum now and she's recently been diagnosed with cancer. he's got a lot going on too, but we always tackle the situation... together. and he will take the time out of his day to come see me if i'm upset. we meet up after school and hang out. here's where it gets complicated. we hung out like everyday for a couple months, we're stuck with eachother at school. and even then, we hug when we see eachother, you know the longgg standing hugs? yeah those, he lays on me, makes me play with his hair, holds my hand etc. and one afternoon we were hanging out, and that all happened right? i was sitting in his lap and he had his hands around my waist and were always good with the whole "eye contact" thing. and we were just staring into eachothers eyes. smiling. mind you i'm nearly in grade 11 and i haven't had my first kiss. he leans in and we touch lips sort of, like a butterfly kiss but then i laughed and asked what he was doing, so he said eskimo kisses and rubbed his nose on mine. he's my best friend. he cares about me endlessly and obviously i care about him. he's overprotective and all that. whatever, long list. we didn't really talk for a good 2 weeks after that because i had to go 5 hours away from where i live for a week and a bit. but when i came back, it was back to hanging out. i'm just not sure what is going on you know? best friends hang out and do stupid shit but they don't do all of that? i'm just confused that's all, or i'm overreacting. advice?