My baby doesn’t want me!

A little backstory, my oldest (about to turn two on the 27th this January!) always wanted me as a baby. I mean he came with me to do laundry, wash dishes, poop, everything. The only time I wasn’t holding/wearing him was in the shower or while cooking. Honestly he was my firstborn and it was more of I needed to hold him. He was fine by himself 😂 I would stay awake and watch him sleep. He slept through the night since 1 week so I felt upset that he didn’t want me through the night. But he let me hold him all the time. Until he started being independent around 3 months 😂 then I let him just be in the same room as me.

Now this child!!!! My newest baby is a month and a half. And this kid won’t let me hold him all day. If he’s asleep, he wants to be by himself. And the only time he lets me rock him to sleep is right before bedtime. During naps or if he wakes up through the night to breastfeed, he doesn’t want to fall asleep with me. I have to lay him down for him to knock out. When he’s awake he wants me to sit him up so he can look at everything so I get to spoil him a little. But I don’t get those sweet sleepy cuddles from him 😭 the only time he’s okay with falling asleep during the day with me is if I’m wearing him. I can’t believe my little man thinks he’s so grown that he don’t need his mommy.