Is this a sign?


So, my SO and I have been trying for 2 years. We finally got a positive pregnancy test in Sept, October I ended up miscarrying. We decided to call the baby Angel, gender neutral name as it was way to soon to know the gender... but every time Angel came up in conversation between us we found ourselves referring to Angel as a he.

Lately we have been so caught up in life, with work, holidays, the flu and strep, neither one of us really have thought or even talked about Angel.

Well, tonight at dinner a thing happened.

Over dinner we was asking the kids how their day was at school, who is their best friend, what was their favorite and least favorite thing that happened today, what they was thankful for today and out of no where, our 3 year old who don't go to school, and has never heard us talk about Angel said this, when we was getting ready to wrap things up.

"I have a friend who's name is Angel, it's a boy and he is a baby. He is with God cause he is sick."

Then she won't talk about it anymore.

You guys....
