I'm a bitch because I want child support?

My ex and I broke up a little over a week ago. I have been working on writing up custody and of course, child support. My state child support calculator based off of me having our daughter every night and paying her health insurance shows him owing $400/month. He will only be taking her 2 days a week for a few hours and does not provide insurance or daycare.

So, we got in a big fight because he was asking me not to ask for child support since his other baby mama doesn't. I told him I dont agree with that and if I'm caring for our daughter and paying for everything, he should be obligated to help. He then proceeded to call me a selfish, vindictive, heartless bitch because him paying $400/month for a child that he also brought into this world- is way too much to ask? He said if he pays me child support, I am taking money he needs to use towards his home or bills.

What should I do about this? Him and his ex dont have any sort of formal agreement and I have seen them both screw each other over and I'm not about to play that game.