Guess who sits next to me


There is this girl (let’s call her A) that came to our school when i was in in 9 grade and she was one year younger than me and I first noticed her bc she looked like one of my old friends that moved to another city.

–Our school has 2 different buildings which are in two different addresses as well one for grade 7-9 and the other one 10-12– so this year that I’m in 11 grade and she is in 10 grade I noticed her bc of her eyes which were sooooo mesmerizing I mean I never really cared for colored eyes but when I saw her eyes.. DAMNNN

Till like two months ago that I saw an Instagram profile wich I didn’t recognize requested me (I don’t usually accept strangers😂) and I asked one of my friends that followed the acc who is it and she told me it’s A and I was shitting bricks at that point. So I accepted and followed back while I was waiting for her to accept my request internet got fucked in the whole city and we didn’t have access to anything for ONE FREAKING WEEK😐

Finally she accepted

And now I’m getting tired so will post the rest tomorrow 😂