Can someone help explain?


Michelle TTC baby #1

I am very new to the whole <a href="">IUI</a> Clomid and trigger shot process and I'm having a hard time comprehending how it all works can someone please explain it to me? I will be starting it after my period starts in a few weeks.

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Heres how it was for me for all of my iui cyclesCall on cycle day 1 full flow period to set apptCycle day 3 baseline ultrasound / bloodwork Meds day 3-7 Cycle day 9 or 10 (for me - maybe not so early for others because I ovulate early naturally) - follicle check ultrasound - if / when follicle(s) are over 18mm trigger shot. If follicles not quite big enough another scan scheduled in 2 days until big enough to trigger. IUI scheduled either 24 or 36 hours after triggerDay of iui - if you have a partner they go in morning of iui and give their sperm sample - gets washed. You go in a few hours later and iui basically feels like a papsmear. Lasts only a few minutes. If your doctor has you supplement progesterone you start that a few days laterSometimes your doctor will do a blood test day 21 to confirm ovulation / progesterone levels (mine only did this on my first round)14 days past IUI either blood test or at home test for pregnancy


Karen • Jan 8, 2020
I’m 36 as well. All my levels were in a normal range my cycles just vary in length. I think I just needed that help to get the timing right.


Michelle TTC baby #1 • Jan 8, 2020
Do you mind telling me your age?? I&#x27;m 36, my husband is 37. We have been TTC for over 1 year and my blood work shows that I do ovulate naturally. I just think we need a little nudge


Karen • Jan 8, 2020
I got pregnant with twins my second cycle.


Posted at
Interesting. Thank you SO much! Makes me feel better. I was getting a little overwhelmed googling things online lol. I ovulate naturally, and was hoping IUI would be a better cheaper option. My poor husband will have to give another sperm sample, poor thing! He already goes in on the 22nd for his FIRST ever semen analysis


JL • Jan 9, 2020
Aw wouldn&#x27;t that be nice to avoid all of it! But either way you have the next step! And unfortunately no BFP only one early MC with IUI but thats the closest we&#x27;ve gotten in 3 years so still gives a little hope. I&#x27;ll be starting IVF later this month! :)


Michelle TTC baby #1 • Jan 8, 2020
Sorry I keep hitting send before I&#x27;m done😂😂. So I&#x27;m about to ovulate I the next week and hopefully I&#x27;ll just get pregnant and not have to do any of this. More than likely though, AF will show bc history has been repeating itself for over a year. So have you gotten a BFP??


Michelle TTC baby #1 • Jan 8, 2020
That&#x27;s SO TRUE!! I&#x27;m so excited and scared @ the same time