CPS or no?


My step daughter, Ainsley, recently turned 7 years old and her mother is not what I would call a great mom. Her mother has done meth in the past and has gone to the hospital for it. She doesn’t discipline Ainsley, she doesn’t care why she ends up on a bad color at school, she doesn’t make her dress correctly and have self respect, she is always getting rid of Ainsley any chance she gets. Ainsley knows how to roll a blunt, Ainsley thought it was okay to put her hands around my dog’s neck and shake him, she thinks it’s okay to mock people and make rude ugly faces, Ainsley threw a crying fit when we made her apologize one time and her excuse was “she was scared”, Ainsley doesn’t even try to clean up after herself... I have been working on her behavior while she is here. Yes, it takes so much work and patience. Ainsley’s mother only has Ainsley Monday night through Thursday night for school. Because she won’t let Ainsley live with her dad. But on the weekends, holiday breaks, or when Ainsley is sick? We are watching her and taking care of her. Ainsley’s mother also has a younger son, not my step son, and she rarely ever has him. She takes pictures with these children and posts them to show off and pretend she always has them but she doesn’t. She had her kids for a few hours on Christmas Day and then got rid of them again. We planned to just let Ainsley stay all weekend with her mother for her birthday since she’s here every weekend, but Sunday came around and Ainsley’s mom was asking us to watch Ainsley while her and her boyfriend went out on a date. Ainsley’s mom lets ainsley know all about jail, people getting shot, people fighting and breaking windows. Ainsley says her house is always dirty, and that her mom doesn’t ever wash her clothes. Ainsley is always sick, has the lice, or athletes foot. I wanna call CPS, should I?? I don’t really have any proof of anything. I do have a video if Ainsley telling me some things though but I’m afraid they’ll see the video as biased. I believe Ainsley should live here with her father, it’s safer and we actually care about Ainsley’s actions.

I’m also a little scared because when Ainsley’s mother was younger she tried smothering her step sister with a pillow. But the step mother walked in and caught her. Ainsley has always been and only child over here, and tbh I haven’t been around long at all. And Ainsley was only about 2 or 3 when her little brother cane around on her mother’s side, not ours. So I don’t believe she has any issues with him. Although she does tell us things that make her seem jealous of him. Anyways, her mother is crazy and is going to be mad and jealous that I’m having her ex’s baby. So I’m afraid what she’ll convince Ainsley of or what she’ll tell Ainsley. Maybe I’m just being crazy but I dont trust that woman and I don’t think she should have these children full time.