How did you know your family was complete?

My husband and I have two amazing girls ages 2 and 9 months old. We were planning on beginning ttc again this September so our girls would be 2 and almost 4 (hopefully) when third baby comes. We always said we wanted three but both times we wanted a boy and got our girls, we LOVE our girls but my husbands family name ends with him and we both just would love to have a son.

The only issues is we are happy with where we are with us and our girls and honestly I don’t want to have a point in life where I am a mother of three hormonal teen girls, I was the oldest of four girls and I feel for my mom and my dad. Part of us wants to be done because we are really happy with our family dynamic and honestly are so scared of getting a third girl but we also really want to try again for a boy and because we just always pictured being a family of five.

Also from the beginning we’ve had a boy name picked that is so meaningful to both of us and it’s so upsetting when we come up with a girl name each time and still don’t get to use our boy name. We want this baby to be green and not find out gender and I know I’ll love another baby no matter what it is but we are both just stuck right now...