New pregnancy?! Or left over HCG?

Jess • Wife in 2019💍🤵👰. Mum to 13y - 💙 , 1yr - 💜 Stepmum 15y & 21y 💙💙 expecting No.5 😆 Nov '22 💚🤰

Found out 8th Dec I had a MMC.

Started bleeding 12th Dec.

Bled for 2 weeks.

HCG checked 21st Dec was 168. 23rd 109 (or around there)

Surely HCG should be gone by now??

Today I was told to take a test to check its negative.

It wasnt.

We had unprotected sex on xmas day 😬

Gotta retest next wednesday. If still positive they'll check my HCG again.

My mind is running wild!

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One step pick up from 10hcg so it could be ether. I would test every 48 hours to see if the line gets darker or lighter


Jess • Jan 8, 2020
I'll test on friday morning then. Not sure what I want the result to be, as drank quite abit after MC as wasnt planning on trying again until after AF 🙈🤦‍♀️


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I can’t remember exactly but I had positive tests 6 weeks after my miscarriage and then I finally got AF at about 6 weeks and then didn’t test anymore after that cause my blood test said it was down to 5. But everyone’s different! Definitely possible to get pregnant again before your first cycle.