BD in jail and won’t change

I want my daughter to have a dad, but my daughter’s father won’t change his ways. He’s locked up and has been for 8 months. I stayed with his family since the day he was taken in & supported his family with everything they needed. He never called me or asked how we were. I have taken my daughter in to see him & there was a time she was very sick from pneumonia, I had to take her to emergency and she stayed there for 2 weeks but within those 2 weeks , he never called to check how she was and that broke my heart, especially the fact that he knew from family telling him. He has been getting into fights and goes in and out of segregation. I understand that jail changes you but before he was locked up I found out accidentally from being around his other friends that he robbed gas stations, ran through houses and was other shit. That disgusts me and I don’t want that sort of dad for my daughter. I want him to change and he recently got sent to segregation for beating someone and I’m contemplating on whether or not I will let my daughter see him. I try so hard to keep this family together but he stuffed this all up. I want him to change and try and get his shit together inside there before i’ll let him see our daughter , she’s 1 years old, beautiful and bright and I wish he thought about her before choosing all the dumb shit he has done before being a proper dad. What should I do?! 😭