Cycle changed


Ive been breasfeeding for 1 year and 4 months now. Since week 12 after giving birth, I have my cycle back, having a 31 day cycle with ovulation on day 20.

I only do ovulation tests for 4 months now, but I did notice ovulation symptoms in the months before I used ovulation tests.

Since two months my cycle has drastically changed.

Everything in a row:

8 days of menstruation

Cd 14 Positive opk

Cd 20 losing a little blood

Cd 30 positive opk

Cd 38 menstruation starts

Cd 40/2 menstruation stops (only lost blood for 2 days, light flow, no cramps, no cloths)


New cycle:

Cd 24 still no sign of ovulation...

I did do some pregnancy tests, and they all seem to give a vvvvfl, but not confincing.

For those who want to see a test:

I've asked my dr about it, and he said it's because I breastfeed. But Ive had a normal cycle for almost a year? Can your cycle just change (for the worse) after a year of breasfeeding?

I did have a misscarriage 4 months ago, so I do have an ovulation, the next cycle was normal, and now this started...

The dr says If I want to get pregnant, I should stop breasfeeding...

What should I believe and do? ☹️