4th transfer


So I had a call with my institute to discuss our 4th transfer attempt. To recap the 1st was a miscarriage and the following 2 were negative. We tried 1 medicated with just progesterone and estrace, 1 natural with just a hcg trigger, 1 medicated again (hysteroscopy and biopsy before showing no issues) then 1 medicated after a full new blood panel finding no issues where they added prednisone, heparin, probiotics and aspirin. For the 4th and final try we are going to do a hybrid of natural and medicated where I will take gonal f or menopur to mini stimulate 1 embryo and hcg trigger it then transfer. They added an antibiotic before transfer as well and still still do heparin, prednisone and only progesterone after transfer. Before they want me to do another panel on my thyroid (this will be my third) to make sure it is still functioning fine.

Just wanted to put it out there as I know I take interest in other people's protocols and what may work. I also ask the doctor why we are not doing something that maybe someone else is doing to make sure everything has been though of.

So that being said it looks like my transfer will be late feb or early march.