Have you ever had to give an ultimatum?

So heres the back story...

I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years. When we first started dating we would talk about getting married, kids, where we want to live etc then those conversations started to die down and we were just enjoying the bf/gf ride because we were young. Over the past 4- 5 years i've expressed the importance of getting married and having children before a certian age. We both work great jobs and get paid extremly well... so why is it he doesnt want us to take the next steps in our relationship?

When I bring up topics like moving in together or starting a family he either just brushes it off never takes me seriously. If i dare mention marriage he says " so youre only in this for a ring" other times its one day it'll happen stop rushing it.

Everyday i'm bombarded with questions of when are we going to get married, when are we going to start a family from friends, family and coworkers and although I laugh it off and just say i dont know. (Yes I know its no ones business) but it honestly puts me back into a dark place because deep down inside i know how badly my heart desires these things.

I've spent the last few years celebrating everyones engagements, weddings, baby showers, christenings and just hoping and wishing that one day it'll be me. I never knew how much of a toll this would have on me to the fact that it leaves me crying most nights.

Just thinking about it and writing this makes me cry because as much as someone can say that they love you, they say it because they know thats what you want to hear, but they never follow through with the actions

It also leaves me with the thought of maybe im not good enough to be his wife or the mother of his children... maybe im not good enough for anyone.

So heres the deal. I plan on giving him an ultimatum

Either we get married this year... no ifs ands or buts or we call it quits.

(Yes I know i cant force anyone to marry me, but its also not fair to me if you have no intentions on moving forward in the relationship and youre just stringing me on).

Have you guys ever had to give your s/o an ultimatum? Do you think i'm overracting?

I need advice😔

UPDATE: Thank you ladies for your advice.❤ I definitely will be taking it all into thought when it comes to deciding whether or not to give him the ultimatum or just leave.

I should have stated that we've been together since we were in highschool, started off as best friends then became bf/gf so although giving him the option of marriage or calling it quits its going to be extremely hard, theres just so much behind it😞💔 my mind and heart is all over the place ☹