GOING BACK TO WORK. Need help. Pumping and routine

My boys are 3 and 3months. I finally got a job (which is bittersweet, I’m so so heart broken to miss out on my youngests baby milestones...but life goes on) and am needing to get the boys on an earlier routine. I’ve been putting them Down around 8/830/9 and we’ve been getting up 830/9. It is ONLY the boys and I so I typically have to stagger bed times and it makes out routine way longer than most I feel like. I’m now needing to be on the road to their daycare/work at 630. (The younger one will likely sleep through the car ride that is an hour, but older one not so much!) we got up at 7 today and all went ok. I just feel bad because my older boy isn’t going down till LATE so don’t want to get stuck with a sleep deprived duo. So I am thinking I’ll need to start putting them down at 7/730. Any tips? Or do y’all think it would be ok to keep putting them to bed but more consistently at 8? Rather than letting it get pushed? My 3mo old isn’t even on a super solid schedule...he nurses about every 2-3 hours and usually is awake 1.5ish hours before napping. I feel like he’s taking about three good naps a day, around 1030, 2, and 5ish then a cat nap at 7ish. I haven’t been great about tracking so those are rough estimates. And usually sleeps from 8/9-4/5 then 4/5-8/9. My 3y/o naps 2-330 on active days but doesn’t nap on more relaxed days. Also tips for pumping at work? I think I’ll need to pump once maybe twice, trying to do just one in the middle one on the way and one on the way home (one at 630/7 one at 1030, and one at 2)